Shokouh Darvish

My dearest friend and associate, Mr. Zaghi:

I am grateful to you for sharing your inspiration, and want you to know that I whole-heartedly agree with your concept of "Love is the Solution". In turn, I want to share an inspirational story that has so profoundly affected my two sons, who are both physicians dedicating their lives to a sacred mission. At the peak of their young adulthood, while finishing medical school, they were both stricken with a rare and debilitating genetic disease. This has inflicted a great shock to the heart of our family. We all watched in agony as their strong young bodies deteriorated so drastically in such a short period that they both were ultimately confined to wheelchairs.

We learned that the greatest medicine to alleviate our tortured souls was to choose the path of love in seeking peace of mind. It enables us to endure the pain as we try to understand why this happened to them. Our strong belief in your concept of "Love is the Solution" helps us understand that it is more important to have a healthy soul than a healthy body. It is the only way we are able to accept and cope with the pain my two sons endure each day as they pursue their divine mission. They share an oath to help others who are susceptible to contracting the same rare disease that has invaded their bodies. Their relentless pursuit of a solution has given them the strength to accept the painful effects of the disease that has afflicted them.

Love is the power inspiring my sons to find a cure so that others in the future will not fall victim to this mysterious illness. Their mission of self-sacrifice is defined by your three simple principles. Just as people arrive at destinations in the world from any of four directions (north, south, east, and west), we also arrive at solutions to life's problems by following any of the three paths implied in your formula (Love: Acceptance, Fairness, and Doing Your Best).

The journey of acceptance and self-sacrifice was chosen by my sons so that they might prevent others from suffering as they suffer. For them, both practicing doctors now, finding a cure for this debilitating disease has given great meaning and purpose to their lives. They believe it is God's way of testing their faith and determination.

Although they are physically impaired, they are intellectually capable and mentally prepared to find a solution through love, dedication, and self-sacrifice. They have vowed to use all their resources to discover a cure for this brutal disease and wipe it from the face of the earth. It is my prayer that they will achieve their mission, and after doing so, will continue working for the benefit of others. I marvel at the strength God has given them through His love. Rather than surrender to their suffering, they rejoice in the belief that God has chosen them to help save other young people from experiencing the same fate.I wish you continued success in your divine pursuits, just as my heart holds great hope for my sons in accomplishing their mission. I am confident that you will succeed, as I whole-heartedly believe my sons will achieve the goal that God has placed before them. The power of faith will lead you along the path of love as you continue seeking solutions to the challenges of life.

Please know that my family and I are fellow believers of "Love is the Solution" as the power to achieve greater peace and tranquility within our souls and throughout the world. We ask that you contact us if we can be of any service in supporting your wonderful work for humanity.

May God be with you in every step of your journey enlightening the people with the great concept of "Love is the Solution" to a more peaceful, happy, and productive life.

Shokouh Darvish
Co-Founder, Advancement of Research Myopathies
Los Angeles, California

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