Olwyn Kingery

As a landscape designer, I meet with many different people and a huge variety of tastes, attitudes and purpose.  When I first met with Nasser about his project, I was curious, but perplexed. I haven't had much experience with Persian culture, and the little that I had was not very amiable.

Nasser Zaghi broke the mold of that stereotype. I wasn't sure I wanted join the design team, but found myself drawn in by his quirky but kind nature. Little did I know that we would become true friends.

Nasser’s quest for peace and peaceful existence has brought me renewed confidence in continuing my own peaceful journey with friends, family, clients and the community at large. Every day, every step, in every situation, I act with love, peace and understanding first......never fear. I charge forward knowing that I have a power to persuade others to act in the same way. My recent peace garden design and installation is dedicated to Nasser Zaghi in his quest for peace education. It is a small but mighty garden at a school in Newbury Park, California, where the demographics have changed dramatically in the past ten years. It is my hope that this garden inspires all cultures to act in peace, love and understanding every day that they come to school. Thank you to Nasser for sharing his vision, I am forever grateful to him.

Olwyn Kingery,
Landscape DesignMaster Gardener NWF Eco-school USA consultant
P.O. Box 760Newbury Park, Ca, 91320Phone 805 279 9119

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