Justin Zaghi

Dear Amu-jon (Uncle) Nasser,

Thank you for founding “Love is the Solution” and for your inspirational messages to our family and the world. It is an honor to our family and to humanity that you are propagating such beautiful messages of love, which you describe as (1) acceptance, (2) fairness, and (3) doing one’s best. I wish to share my support for “Love is the Solution” and to explain why I share with you a vision of global peace.

As you and I have discussed before, I believe that love is at the root of humanity. Love is our acknowledged state of oneness with all of life and our genuine desire for its wellbeing. Daily, I strive to live by these principles: to love my creator, to love myself, and to love my fellow human beings.

While love is our inner nature, in many cases its expression has been obscured by fear, hatred, and ignorance. One only needs to turn on the news momentarily to hear of a murder, a massacre at a local school, or violent strife between two nationalities. Love is the solution. If a person simply recognized that he is one with those he is fighting – and that by hating others he is hating himself – he would surrender his arms and begin to embrace his brothers and sisters. Our world is hungering for love.

As you have said, love emanates from oneself and extends to one’s close family and friends, then to one’s community, and eventually to the world. As Persian Jews and descendants of my grandmother Ehteram Zaghi - a model of love, kindness, and generosity – you and I inherit a rich legacy of love and are woven into this web of peace.

I share with you a vision in which the whole world is enveloped in peace and humanity lives in loving harmony. Love is the Solution is playing an important role in realizing this dream. The establishment of the peace foundation, as well as the new book in draft “Pathway to Global Peace,” and your proposal to donate 1% of defense budgets for peace education are important first steps.

I applaud you in your efforts to create world peace and support you wholeheartedly.

In the words of Mahatma Gandhi, “If we are to reach real peace in this world and if we are to carry on a real war against war, we shall have to begin with children; and if they will grow up in their natural innocence, we won’t have to struggle, we won’t have to pass fruitless, idle resolutions, but we shall go from love to love and peace to peace, until at last all the corners of the world are covered with that peace and love for which, consciously or unconsciously, the whole world is hungering.”

Sincerely yours,
Justin Zaghi

About the author: Justin Zaghi is the son of Nasser Zaghi’s brother, Hekmat Zaghi. He is currently pursuing a Medical Degree and a Masters of Business Administration at Harvard University.

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