Ali A. Jafarey

My Dear Nasser Zaghi,

Ushtá, Radiant Happiness!

We met, we talked and to our surprise, we discovered how much we agreed on the good points of a love-all life. You have had your quest after the TRUTH and I have had mine. You have found it in "LOVE IS THE SOLUTION", and I have found it in "GOOD THOUGHTS, GOOD WORDS, GOOD DEEDS".

Does it mean the same? Let me present mine so that you and your associates can see how it matches with yours."

Good Thoughts, Good Words and Good Deeds" is the motto of a person whose name is Zarathushtra (Zoroaster in English and Zartosht in Persian). He lived 3700+ years ago. He rose as a very inquisitive person. His quest showed him that the human society suffers because of the lack of love. Stirred by emotions, anger is the very base of all the social ills. It breeds racism, hatred, enmity, greed, aggression, suppression and exploitation. They are Druj, Harm that hurts at large. His quest led him to realize his own self, the environment around, the Cosmos and beyond these, to the Super-Intellect that has created the Cosmos, the orderly creation, only to lovingly promote it to perfection.

This Super-Intellect Essence (Mazdá Ahura) designed the "Primal Principles of Existence" to progressively regulate the Cosmos. They are (1) Asha, to do the right thing, at the right time, at the right place and with the right means to achieve the real right result; (2) Vohu Manah, the Good Mind that LOVES to think good, speak good and act good to achieve all that is rationally good and practically LOVE; (3) Vohu Khshathra Vairya, the Good Elected Order, a democracy based on wisdom, freedom, equality, respect and love that creates a world Fellowship which knows no hatred, no conflict, no war, no hunger, no poverty and no exploitation but the bond that makes every member of the human society perform his/her part in making the world loveable to live in harmony; (4) Spentâ Àramaiti, Progressive Serenity that ensures, perpetuates and promotes the harmony; (5) Seraosha, the Intuition that connects an individual with his/her loving (frya-lover/beloved) Creator; and all these join hands in making the world the most-fresh (ferashotema) and always up-to-date, only to lead to (6) Ushtâ, Radiant happiness for all without discrimination, (7) Haurvatât, Entirety and (8) Ameretât, Eternity to become GODLIKE.

His quest convinced him that mankind enjoys the freedom in thought, word and deed. Good thoughts, words and deeds have their rewards. Bad thoughts, words and deeds have their consequences, consequences which remind one to return to goodness, and every person, sooner or later, achieves goodness. His quest recommended that there should be no punishment, penalty, sanction or vengeance, individually or collectively, but effective and affectionate rehabilitation that would change a wrongdoer into a beneficial righteous, a person undergone a change to love to serve.

His quest inspired him in founding the first universal fellowship. Maz Maga (Great Magnanimity), based on learning, experiencing, practicing and teaching mankind to live in love that leads to radiant happiness, entirety and eternity. He founded Daenâ Vanguhi (Dïn-e Behi in Persian and Good Consciousness in English), a doctrine which teaches that LOVE, based on Vohu Manah, Good Mind, and other Principles of Existence, IS THE SOLUTION.

My quest has led me to realize the TRUTH, best presented by Zarathushtra. Lovingly, I, hand in hand with others, practice and promote it.


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